Solo Exhibitions

Nature’s Voice 2019

This series of pieces explored the idea of creature’s ‘spirits / endless presence’ with an overlay of the ‘sovereignty’ they have over the environment. Each is bringing a form of warning from the ‘other world’ to us, about our treatment of their kingdom. Some show this through a reference to Kauri Die-back, while others, like Harbinger here, wear the trappings of the organic space they inhabit.

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Unwitting Collusion 2010

These works alluded to city-dweller ambivalence towards the plight of local birds, using the metaphor of keeping pet cats. Cats, despite being well-fed, will still savage accessible birds given half a chance.

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Avian Architecture 2009

Focused on the wonder of nest crafting, and the covert way in which birds build these temporary structures, out of the materials at hand. Large graphite drawings invite close viewings of these otherwise ubiquitous objects, and marvel at the capacity of birds to construct complex arrangements without training or opposable thumbs.

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